Writing about your evolution, behaviours, deficiencies and feelings forces you to think about them. And that can be scary. Maybe there are things that you don’t want to remember or things that you may regret. But, writing about it helps you work through these thoughts. And find a way that maybe helps you to improve what you think can be improved.
“Looking within to see beyond” is not a challenge meant to share only the bright side of our colleagues success stories. But a challenge meant to share stories with failures, setbacks and teachings.
That’s why it was a challenge well received by Bunnyshell team members, because they all knew that there is always someone else who shares the same struggle.
Today’s story is Ana’s and if you are curious to find out what she has shared, keep reading.
Who are you?
I am Ana, I am 30 years old and I laugh a lot. I can easily find the humor in everyday situations. I love making jokes and i am trying, whenever I can to not take everything so serious.
I am a calm person and so I have always been. One of those people who also sends super calm vibes. That’s why I am always approaching life’s challenges with a positive outlook.
Like with all other human beings, once in a while, negative thoughts are present in my head . But I choose to control them. So it is I who decides how I design & run my life.
What you do?
Well, I am glad you asked, because there tends to be a lot of confusion about my activity. Well, i am a Community Manager. A role that is becoming increasingly important for tech products. Because of our industry and line of work, cloud computing, where experts around the globe are just scratching the surface regarding the things that can be done with it, professionals need to be able to connect, share ideas and grow together.
In fact, a Community Manager helps build, grow and manage a company’s online communities. It also engages with customers and fans, and uses social media and live events to help increase brand loyalty.
For my job, good communication skills are a must, so this is what am most talented at. I like talking to people, making them feel comfortable, listening to their expectations, empathising with them. As a Community Manager, you should be passionate about the company or brand you are representing. And so am I.
I’ve always loved technology, even if, before Bunnyshell, i’ve been looking at it only from the outside. I am glad that now I have the opportunity to do this, to learn and understand what it is and what is yet to come.
Why do you do what you do? What drives you to get out of bed every morning and go to work?
As I said, before I came toBunnyshell, for me, technology was just something that i was looking at from the outside. Like anyone who is attracted to technology, I used to read articles and was aware of what was happening, in broad lines in the world, and how technology was evolving. But I was just a spectator of the show.
I was definitely far away from understanding what I understand now, ever since I started working here.
Talking about what drives me out of bed every morning, I think, first of all, it’s the thirst for knowledge. Ever since I have been here I have learned many things and sometimes I ponder and wonder about how much I still have to learn.
Overall, this means for me getting out of the comfort zone. And this is growing about, getting out of your comfort zone and exceeding the limits you yourself previously set.
How did you get here?
Basically, I was lucky. Last year, Bunnyshell team was an exhibitor at a conference about technology. As a technology lover, i came to see what’s new. So I wanted to find out what is all this cloud thing about. And that was where I first got in touch with the team. After few days they invited me to talk more about myself and about what they are doing.
Honestly, at that time, I didn’t understand much of what they do and I was surprised when the proposition to be part of Bunnyshell team came. They said: “your logic is good, you can learn anything”. I trusted them and I accepted the challenge.
How does your background make you unique?
I’ve finished Political Science in French at the University of Bucharest. Then I decided that this is what I want to do in my life, so I started working with a candidate as her counselor. I’ve started with organizing events and in a short time I got to write speeches, give speeches, write press releases, articles and managing social media channels.
The social media part was my favourite. So, after 3 years, when I decided to switch from working in politics to a different field, I’ve started my freelancing period as a social media manager.
It was a challenging time, because even if the processes were similar, I had to change my way of looking at things. I remember a funny episode with my first contributor after the time I worked in politics. He told me that he likes my texts a lot, but that when he is reading he has the feeling that I am preparing him to run for mayor of Bucharest. I thought he was right and so, I started reading and trying to find out how can i change my tone of voice when writing texts.
Overall, I don’t think this background of mine makes me unique. Let’s say I am special because of my ability to adapt and communicate in different environments and situations.
In terms of the work you do, what aspects are you most passionate about and why?
Firstly, I am passionate about interacting with people, understanding their problems and trying to help. In all the activities I’ve done over time, interacting with people was my main and favorite task. And I don’t think I would ever be able to work in any field which doesn’t involve that.
I am also loving all this social social media part. To research, analyze, interpret and predict behaviors and trends.
Secondly, I am passionate about technology. In fact, that’s why I am here. To learn more and more. To be better at it. And I think I’m starting to get a grip on how things are going, since my colleagues tell me that sometimes I talk like a programmer :D.
What do you usually do in your free time?
I like to visit new places. Whether it’s new cities, new countries, new restaurants, new everything. I like to discover and analyze. It seems to me that, with every new place, I can actually discover myself better. I am also passionate about sewing, so when i don’t discover new places, or hang out with my friends or listen to music, I like to sew things.

Do you know what you’re good at?
Now I think I know what I am good at, but it was a long way getting here, didn’t always know the way I do today. Now, I am sure that I am good at communication and that I can develop any activity related to it. I am also good at research, analyses and activities that need more attention to details.
What makes you offbeat, interesting, different from the rest?
I think my ability to debate over different topics and prove points without getting tired is an interesting side of mine. Especially if it’s a topic I love. I think I could talk for hours without getting tired.
I put passion in everything I do and I don’t treat superficially any aspect that is part of my life. In a world where superficiality begins to be a main feature, I think that’s what sets me apart from the rest.
What makes you human?
Sometimes i am confused. Sometimes I am sad. Sometimes I make decisions on an emotional basis. Not a day goes by without asking myself questions. I am empathetic. I like to listen and understand others. Experiencing all these feelings and many other make me human.
Tell us something odd or unusual, something most other people wouldn’t say or would be afraid to say.
I think the only reason why people don’t evolve is themselves. You are the only one who can stop yourself from evolution. This means that if you are not where you want to be at one point in your life, it is only your fault and it’s up to you and you alone to make things better for yourself.